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Chat with Trudy

Trudy is a conversational AI that can help you learn more about CLASS.

Image of CLASS Pittsburgh Board Members

The Board of Directors for CLASS is a group of highly dedicated individuals with passion and interest in CLASS and the mission we strive for.

Our current board members are listed below.

  • Wesley Rohrer, President
  • Anthony Goreczny, Vice President
  • David Zak, Treasurer
  • Patty Costantini, Secretary
  • Sally Balogh
  • Joseph Bucci
  • Elias Fallon
  • Jeanine Kilgore
  • John Liebenguth
  • Dan Long
  • Joseph F. McCormick
  • Ashli Molinero
  • Carla Nash
  • Susan L. O'Rourke, EdD
  • Lisa Postelwait
  • Heather Tomko
  • Guy E. Williams
  • Francis Hoist (Legacy Member)
  • Shirlee Porro (Legacy Member)
  • Florence Reed (Legacy Member)
  • Ken Service (Legacy Member)