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Breaking Barriers - The Employment Journey

CLASS invites people with disabilities, family members, professionals, employers, and students to join us as we:

  • Hold discussions.
  • Gather resources to support healthy living.
  • Build a foundation for success in employment.

See the attachment for the schedule. Click on the title(s) below to register!

Wednesday, March 6
Self-Advocate and Set Your Path To Success
Johanna Murphy of Evolve Coaching will join us to discuss self-advocating to lay the groundwork for your success in employment.

Wednesday, March 13
Employer Discussion Panel
Join us at Brother Andre and hear from some employers who have experience employing people with disabilities.

Friday, May 10
Social Determinants of Health Resource Fair & Seminar
Join us as we bring together local resources to support health living and building a foundation for success in employment.

Attachment Size
Overview of the Program 430.18 KB