By improving both her strength and spirit, Chris has more confidence in her own ability complete her day-to-day activities.
Chris loves spending time with her family and is thankful to be strong enough to do so. As a participant in the Multiple Sclerosis Exercise and Support (MSES) Program at CLASS, Chris has learned exercises that have both reduced her symptoms of MS, and have helped her to maintain her strength, so that she may continue to play an active role in her family as well as her community.
Diagnosed with MS in 1986 at age 25, Chris overlooked her initial symptoms caused by MS which included numbness and tingling in her legs, as well as blurry vision. Chris was referred to a neurologist by her family doctor to find out more information about MS and how it would affect her. At the time of her diagnosis, Chris was employed as a unit clerk at Forbes Metro Hospital in Wilkinsburg, but had to retire as the symptoms caused by MS worsened.
In the spring of 2014, Chris began to search for different options that would assist her in building her strength. She experiences spasms in her legs and is only able to stand for short periods of time with assistance. An in-home wellness and maintenance program such as the MSES Program was a perfect fit for Chris.
The MSES Program Coordinator visits Chris twice per month. During each visit Chris stretches and exercises to build and strengthen her legs. In addition to the wellness program, the MSES Program Coordinator has helped Chris and her family learn more about MS and what resources are available to her.
Chris finds the program to be extremely helpful. The exercises have helped to decrease the spasms in her legs and have improved her muscle control. Because of the information and resources she has received through the MSES Program Coordinator, Chris is now more aware of her symptoms and strategies of how to lessen them, which has improved her overall quality of life. By improving both her strength and spirit, Chris has more confidence in her own ability complete her day-to-day activities.